Tuning the Mast and Front Beam on a multihull

So you’ve spent the money and replaced all the standing rigging. You’ve done a bit of sailing and the wires have settled a bit. Now it’s time for a tune. How do you do that? What are you looking for? Did you know that you should be tuning your front beam as well? Prepare to dive into the world of rig tuning on a multihull and learn a few tips from an expert in performance multihull rigs.

When you are sitting on a beach on an island in the Caribbean and one of your cruising friends says they need help with their rig…. well you gotta go and give them a hand right? And while we’re at it, let’s make a video about it so we can show anyone else who needs to know. And yeah, that means you … probably. I mean let’s at least know what we’re looking at before letting someone you don’t know start tightening those turnbuckles right?

This week’s video comes to you from our members website. We have a short course on rig tune there if you are interested in looking at this topic further. If you want to learn more about mast rake, you can take a look at our blog post on understanding mast rake on our blog page.