Should you put up with doors that don’t close on your boat?

Should you put up with doors that don’t close on your catamaran? OK we know this is a high performance multihull and yes for your mega uber dollars you should get cabinetry that closes. But what about a 30 year boat? I think you probably already know the answer to this right? Of course those doors should close! If your doors don’t close when you are sailing it’s a clear indication that your boat is flexing excessively. Should this be accepted as the norm? We don’t think so. What would you think if you turned a corner in your car and the door flew open? Not great right?

Another behind-the-scenes look at the Gunboat 68. This time it’s focussing on the internal structure and asks the question of how much movement is good? Take a look at what a yacht designer/professional sailor thinks on this matter.