We replaced many of our metal shackles with soft loops because they are lighter and we don’t get the metal-on-metal grinding problems that come with conventional shackle arrangements. We have used some of the tutorials these guys produce to learn some new splicing techniques and tricks. We think these guys rock! Lots of load testing and breaking stuff involved to see what is the best rope/knot/etc for a specific job. They do have a sailing playlist but have a look at all their content. We think they do some cool stuff that is worth looking at.
If you find any other great resources for splicing, please let us know. We are always interested to see what others are doing and maybe we will add it to the playlist.

Tying a button knot soft shackle WITH break tests – for slacklining and highlining

Soft shackles on slackline sewn loops. Are they safe to use on a highline?

Plasma vs Amsteel (Dyneema) button knot soft shackles

Make an EASY Amsteel soft shackle with overhand knot – includes break tests!

Testing Climbing Figure 8s with Hard Is Easy

5 Awesome Knots that are hard to find on the internet

Break Testing Knots – Zeppelin & Figure 8 & Alpine Butterfly & Reever & Bowline & Double Fisherman

Making soft shackles for Lapporten world record sponsors

Bowline on a bight break test

How strong are sail boat soft loops & snap shackles?

Name-brand vs off-brand

I tested "synthetic rope" from Ebay & Amazon

The RIGGING HARNESS used by Professionals