Video Series of shorts on Dagger board placement
We have been asked by so many people about how to correctly use daggerboards. The concept is simple – boards down to stop you drifting sideways while going upwind and up to reduce drag while going downwind. HOWEVER, the art of using your daggerboards correctly is as complicated as it is simple. Wind strength, direction, sea state, draft, and many other factors all play a part in how we use our boards. So, in order to answer questions about how to use your daggerboards we have created a series of short videos. Each one filmed on the job in different sailing conditions so that you can get an idea of how and why we place them where we do.
We have set up a dedicated page, especially for daggerboard use. As you can imagine, there are so many different conditions experienced on the water, it will take some time to collate the information in order to give a comprehensive guide to daggerboard use. Our approach will be to film each condition as a short video and keep adding to this particular page as various sailing conditions arise.